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Girlanda balonowa Brązowo-niebieska, 126 el.
Girlanda balonowa Brązowo-niebieska, 126 el.
Ready set - balloon garland in blue and brown.
It is a ready set, so you don't have to play with choosing the right accessories or colors!
- 18 inch balloons - 4 pcs.
- 12 inch balloons - 75 pcs.
- 5 inch balloons - 47 pcs.
- glue droplets 1 roll 100 pcs.
- garland tape.
Glue dots and garland tape, which are included in the set, will definitely speed up the process of arranging the garland - it's really easy! After inflating, the garland can last for several days without losing its beauty.
Kit for self-inflation and assembly. Preview photo - the teddy bear is not included in the set.
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